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    A Brief Look At The Different Levels Of Bathrooms

    With the increase in population, the magnitude of man – made buildings has also increased. Singular shops have been replaced by malls and multiplex. Small scaled offices, government and private alike, have been replaced by large multi – storied buildings. A large number of gathering places have come into existence to support the large number of events, promotional and religious / ceremonial, that are conducted on regular bases. The introduction of various modes of communication means hordes of junction points have been constructed viz. metros, bus, railway station etc. And these architectures are incomplete without badkamers, or more commonly known as bathrooms.

    Building a bathroom and setting it up is definitely a difficult task. It should not only look good but must be comfortable for the user as well! Some bathrooms have a Jacuzzis and saunas present in them, mainly for the comfort of the user.  Different types of showers are also available nowadays. Some, with sensors as well. This indeed reduces the circuitry and wiring to a great extent.  Taps with sensors have become very common nowadays. Heaters, both electric as well as solar ones are fitted in order to supply hot or warm water in the bathrooms.

    Different Designs to Support Different Frequencies of Usage

    Depending on the number of people who need to use the bathroom at a time and the nature of institution where the bathroom has to be built, the bathrooms, or badkamers, vary in size and design. A multiplex is used by consumers to surf through different brands to find the perfect option. This can take hours at a time and the consumers can frequently require the needs of a bathroom, or loo. A large scale office, which has rows of people seated from morning to evening, needs a bathroom with comparatively lesser magnitude. Houses need a bathroom for each room, equipped with all necessary features.

    The necessary features include equipment to bath, pee and freshen up. A toilet a multiplex need more equipment to pee than freshen up. It does not require a place to bath as people come all dressed and ready at such places. Additionally, it needs a large open space to facilitate free movement of large number of people. Same goes for office bathrooms. A bathroom at Water Park would need more baths than anything else. Badkamers or bathrooms at homes are moderately sized and contain typically one bath, one commode and a small free space.

  • Health

    Initials Of A Healthy Lifestyle

    A healthy lifestyle is a balanced lifestyle; people make shrewd decisions in their habitual life to make themselves healthy, life is striking when you are healthy. You feel fresh and active every time.

    How to grow to be a healthy person?

    • Intake of a balanced diet (from fruits and vegetables to pulses and milk, everything is to be incorporated with a balance.)
    • Exercising
    • Having a positive attitude and
    • A positive self image


    Gift of god

    Water is the gift of god, it makes more than half of our body, and it carries out principal functions of our human body it removes wastes and carries nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. We lose water when we breathe or urinate and to maintain a healthy lifestyle we need to replenish it by drinking 2litres–3litres of water or 9glasses- 10glasses of water every day.

     Organic food

    Organic food is the food which is obtained using no chemical pesticides and fertilizers and no chemicals are used to process it. It is the best option to switch for and it is currently in the trend. People prefer organic food more than the chemical ones.


    Daily exercise increases the life span of a human being; it lowers the risk of diseases and helps in losing weight.

    Initials Of A Healthy Lifestyle


    Processed food a big NO NO

    Processed foods are preserved with preservatives and exorbitant amount of salts and chemicals which are not hale and hearty. And it also deteriorates the nutrition value of the food, which does more harm than good to our body.

    Avoiding trigger foods

    Everyone has food that triggers them and they get addicted to it and can’t stop eating them, trigger foods are usually the food with high amount of salts, sugar and refined flour in it examples are doughnuts, chips, pastries etc. identifying their trigger food and cutting them off is the best option one can do.

    Cutting down the junk

    Acrylamide a chemical found in deep fried junk food which is the reason behind many types of cancer. A person can switch to healthier options like grilling, steaming, stir-frying, etc.

    Our body protects us as a shell. It is our duty to protect it, if we abuse it thoroughly it will were off quickly. A healthy human can conquer the world if a person includes all the healthy options and excludes the bad ones; he has enough power to do anything and everything he wants.

  • Business

    Forex – Trading Platform For People

    Forex means Foreign Exchange, also known as FX trading, is one of the trading currency. It is the largest, most liquid market globally, with billions of dollars changing every day. It is considered as the global marketing for exchanging currencies. It is a network of buyers and sellers. Individually or through banks, one can convert the currency to another. It comprises the largest security markets in the world. It’s a decentralized market and determines the foreign exchange rates of each currency.

    Understanding Trading

    The market determines the value, also called exchange value. The main participants in trading are larger international banks. This place is a wide range of multiple buyers or sellers. This works through financial institutions, and banks are considered to be small dealers. It is not exactly a one-man-shop shop. It is riskier and difficult than stock markets if you aim to make money. Taking losses is a part of forex. Trade is conducted in an electronic format. In today’s world, accessibility is not an issue and can be accessed from anywhere and anytime.

    When you are trading in the forex market, you are buying the currency of that particular country even though there is no physical exchange. Traders are making a special position in currencies to be an upward movement hoping to gain profit. The Forex marketing is unique due to:

    • High trading values
    • Factors affecting exchange rates
    • Use of leverage
    • Low margins of relative profit
    • 24 hours’ operation


    Foreign exchange increased rapidly 20% every year, and the increase in turnover doubled. The main factors for such a gain include high-frequency traders, the emergence of retail investors too. Foreign exchange fixing is the daily monetary fixed by the national bank. These rates reflect the real value of equilibrium in various markets. According to the Bank for International Settlements(BIS) survey, trading markets averaged $6.6trillion per day in the year 2019. The largest centres are London, New York, Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo. The efficiency and convenience made this system reach vastly.

    Moreover, this is user-friendly and straightforward. The platform is the trader’s window to the world’s currency marketplace. Flexibility and diversity are the two key advantages of this system.

    A career as a trader is convenient, profitable, and faces high risks and volatility. To become a successful forex trader, basic factors like knowledge, management techniques, and taking risks are essential. The world’s most liquid and continuous market with trillions of dollars traded. This system has evolved humblest of beginnings to the world’s largest market. This market plays an important role in the economy.